And "stretching" a definition: for Textile Tuesday, this is my "Monet" interpretation/inspiration, because of the colours!

Die Seerosen sind mit Knopflochstich appliziert, die Wellenbewegung mit Glitzergarn nachempfunden.


I used 100% cotton sheeting (fairly thick stuff), standard anchor embroidery floss and Pebeo Setacolour Shimmer paints which I diluted so I could use them like watercolours.
Already tuesday evening - so it´s time for the new theme. This week it is one of my favourite painters:
Claude Monet
Claude Monet
Schon wieder Dienstag Abend und somit Zeit für das neue Thema. Diese Woche ist es einer meiner Lieblingsmaler:
Claude Monet
Claude Monet
This is my first time participating in the challenge. Thanks for hosting this, it was really fun.
Here's my entry: http://sheepspace.ca/2006/12/09/monet-challenge
Chriss, you Monet piece is breathtaking. Excellent job!
Monet was certainly an artistic 'visionary'. In 1923 Monet had eye surgery to remove cataracts. These cataracts had affected his work, causing a reddish tone in many of his paintings. Monet claimed that after his surgery he was able to see ultraviolet wavelengths normally filtered by the lens of the eye! Some believe this extraordinary vision was responsible for the striking presentation of color demonstrated in his later works.
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